Client-Proofing your WordPress Sites

Your clients may be experts in their fields, but you can’t expect them to share your comfort level with WordPress. Jeff Brock, owner of Seattle design & development shop Jeff Brock Studio, has built more than 50 WordPress sites. Drawing from 16 years of experience working with clients — many of them with highly specialized website needs — he’ll cover how to:

1) Provide user-friendly and deeply customized edit screens, using “Advanced Custom Fields,” the Swiss Army knife of back-end customization WordPress plugins
2) Streamline the admin to help your client navigate, with plugins such as “Codepress Admin Columns” and “Menu Editor”
3) Create efficient and easy-to-understand online support documentation, using WordPress MultiSite
4) Host screencasts to walk your clients through their new site’s back-end

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About Joey Kudish

Experienced senior software developer and entrepreneur. Passionate about creating innovative and user-friendly software solutions that solve real-world problems and add value to businesses and customers.